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Over Juttu

Juttu is a Belgian multibrand concept store, hosting over 100 brands with a unique story, covering fashion, home deco and food. Juttu likes to focus on local initiatives. It is not just a shop, it's an experience for open-minded, positive, hip and critical shoppers. For men and women, with a conscious mind and great taste.

Juttu (n)

origin: Finnish • pronounced: ‘yu tu’ • meaning: 1 Story or storytelling 2 Anecdote (usually about an incident, short and often humorous) 3 Article in a newspaper 4 Stuff, business, thing(s) (e.g.: we do all kinds of things’ together) 5 Preference (e.g.: that’s totally my thing, my preference) 6 An attraction, a crush (e.g.: there’s something blossoming between those two people, they’ve got ‘juttu’)
